Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Round 2 - Team # 03 (Handika & Vyom) #ftc1516

I was four years old on D-Day, June 6th, 1944,I had my cheerios and sliced banana with milk (raw whole milk, not the watered down stuff you drink) and the world was fine by me.

(General Mills introduced on May 1, 1941 originally named CheeriOats. The name was changed to Cheerios in 1945) 

To be accurate…

There was a time when the very concept of human freedom was threatened world wide.

In the mid 1930’s, Japan was already at war in China and southeast Asia, reaching for raw materials.

Heads of State knew Germany was re-arming, violating the treaties after world war one. Intelligent people knew the graveyard of Communism in the Soviet Union was destructive of all human values.

That period of time following the Nazi invasion of Poland, until the Air Battle for Britain, the civilized history of the western world was at risk of being swallowed by the darkside of mankind.

The D-Day invasion could have failed. It is said Eisenhower had a speech ready if he had to pull all the troups back to England.

A totalitarian Europe and Russia and an Imperialist Japan, had they not been stopped, would have sent the world into another thousand year dark ages as Christianity did two thousand years ago.

We celebrate those who stand forth to defend our rights and this day is but one to be remembered.

Many hate war, they should not, it is our defense of civilization.


Good effort, nice perspective-catchy sketch but not enough at this level.

Rating - 83/200 Points

Total Points after 2 Rounds - 181/400

Judge - Mohit Trendster

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